[Updated March 30, 2023]
Did you hear that the NCLEX is changing a bit on April 1, 2023? Here’s a list of the important stuff Nursing Students need to know for taking the Next Generation NGN NCLEX exam in 2023.

The Basics
- The new NCLEX exam is composed of the current test item types and new test item types
- The new types of test questions are called NGN items
- The test will be from 85-150 questions and there will be 15 pilot questions that don’t count for your score in the first 85 questions
- You have 5 hours to complete the test which includes any time used for breaks
- Anyone that takes the test April 1, 2023 or later will be taking the NGN NCLEX
Types of Questions
- There are 2 new types of NGN items/questions:
- 1) Unfolding case study (NGN case study) with 1 client and 6 questions
- 2) Stand-alone item with 1 client and 1 question
- Both types present a clinical scenario and include part of a medical record
- There will be 3 unfolding case studies on the NGN NCLEX with a total of 18 questions
- There will be between 7-14 stand alone items on the the NGN NCLEX (~10% of the test)
- The rest of the questions will be the traditional NCLEX item questions where there is just one answer for a multiple choice question, traditional SATA, or an alternate format question
- Less than 5% of the NCLEX exam is alternate format
- Partial credit for any SATA or NGN item
- Normal lab values will be provided when appropriate
Passing Standard
- The passing standard will not change
- The passing standard is 0.00 logits for RN and it has been the same since 2014!
Nursing Content
- The nursing content you have already learned is the same content you will get tested on (assuming you graduated recently or used an updated resource)
- The distribution of content did change a little bit, with more emphasis on safety and infection control and less emphasis on management of care
Where to practice NGN items
- Uworld: https://nursing.uworld.com/nclex-rn/
- 70 6-question case studies (420 individual items in case studies)
- 69 NGN style stand alone questions
- $249 for 90 days
- Saunders NGN: https://www.amazon.com/Strategies-Student-Success-Generation-NCLEX%C2%AE/dp/0323872298/ref=sr_1_3?crid=21KQFWV122GQZ&keywords=saunders+ngn&qid=1678739447&sprefix=saunders+ngn%2Caps%2C273&sr=8-3
- 35 6-question case studies (210 individual items in case studies)
- 74 NGN stand alone questions
- $49.49 for the book
- Kaplan: https://www.kaptest.com/nclex
- As of March 31, 2023, the Kaplan people tell me that of their NCLEX Q-Bank, 20% of the questions are NGN items and 80% of the questions are the traditional questions but “no hard numbers”
- $229 for 180 days (Qbank + 1 CAT exam)
- Nursing Mastery app: https://groups.builtbyhlt.com/thenclextutor?sc=101220000310603
- The tabs for the case studies are not working in android, but do work with iphone and computer
- 12 6-question case studies (72 individual items in case studies)
- 104 NGN style stand alone questions
- $32.99/month
- Archer Review: https://archerreview.com/about-nclex-rn
- 220 NGN items (this is probably all the case studies questions and stand alones)
- $109 for 90 days
Do you know of a good resource for practicing NGN items? Let me know by posting a comment on my youtube channel (from the video below) or go here: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNCLEXTutor
Example of the new Next Generation NCLEX exam from NCSBN (PN and RN, English and French)
Resources used for this blog post
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