Here are 3 tips on using NCLEX practice questions in with your studying.

1) Review content first before you attempt NCLEX practice questions
My favorite resources to use to review content are my nugget pages and online flashcards. My nugget pages are all my study notes that I’ve put together over the years tutoring students. This is an example of my labs nugget page. However you can use whatever you want to review content as long as you like it- notes from school, a book, or NCLEX review notes. I’ll be updating this page once my nugget pages and flashcards are available for purchase.
2) Practice between 25-50 NCLEX practice questions a day
When you take nursing tests at school or take the NCLEX, you will be answering questions. Most of them will be multiple choice and SATA. You must be able to answer the questions. Get some practice on answering these and see how the content you’ve learned would be applied in a question. I was quite surprised the first time I took a nursing exam at school. I was waiting for an essay question. Instead I got these short vague questions that didn’t give me much enough information to choose an answer. And then most of the answers seemed correct?! Bottom line – go practice NCLEX style questions. My favorite app to practice questions and what I recommen is the NCLEX Mastery App.
3) Practice both a variety of questions and questions specific to what you are studying
I think it’s important to practice questions from topics you’ve already covered and do a set of a variety of questions. For example, if you are working on cardiac that week, do 25 cardiac questions every day for that week. You would also want to do 25 questions from topics you’ve covered – ethical/legal, infection control, fluids & electrolytes, etc. It’s important to use repetition to remember.
Trust me, you DO NOT want to finish nursing school and have totally forgotten practically everything you learned! You will totally feel like you are re-learning content if you don’t follow my advice. It will make passing the NCLEX so much easier if you just practice NCLEX style questions daily.
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